Training and events Dr. Arleen Westerhof
We’ve given up so much ground to the enemy in our societies. However, I hear the Lord say that, “In the midst of the battle, this is going to be the year of turn-around.” Since 2020 the Lord has been pruning and purifying His Church. Now He is training our hands for battle so that we see supernatural turn-around.
“Netherlands, the Lord says you have entered this era well prepared and now I am ready to use you”
Chuck Pierce’s message for the church in the Netherlands was so strategic and so important that we decided to make it available to everyone. So listen (again) to what God is saying about our country and Europe so you know what to do.
Registration is now open for the Prophetic Training Mentoring. This group will start in March 2025 and will help participants to learn to prophesy from the Spirit of wisdom and revelation into every sphere of society, including the church.
De Online Profetische Mentorschap Groep is bedoeld om mensen te helpen in de Geest van wijsheid en openbaring te profeteren in elke invloedsfeer van de samenleving, inclusief de gemeente.
Prophetic conversations
2024. A Key Year For The Future Of The World. - Dr. Arleen Westerhof & Chuck Pierce
In this interview Dr. Arleen Westerhof and Chuck Pierce discuss why 2024 is such an important year for the future of the world. Present day Europe now closely ressembles Europe in the 19930’s. Through all of the shaking however, a there is a hopeful and important message for the body of Christ.
Dr. Arleen Westerhof & Dr. Sharon Stone - War in the Spring (Prophetic Conversations)
In this video Dr. Arleen and Dr. Sharon discuss the prophetic words about WWIII. Can war be avoided this time around, or has God in His sovereignty, decided that war will come? They also talk about what our role is as prophets in a time of war and how to resist fear. This is an important conversation in these turbulent times.
Dr. Arleen Westerhof & Cindy Jacobs - Prophetic Perspective "War on our Doorstep"
Watch the Prophetic Perspective with Dr. Arleen Westerhof & Cindy Jacobs about the topic ‘War on Our Doorstep’. Cindy Jacobs shared her Prophetic Insights during a leaders meeting at the God’s Embassy Church in Amsterdam. It truly was a historical and prophetic meeting in the heart of The Netherlands. Either an interview between Cindy Jacobs and Dr. Arleen Westerhof has been recorded about the War situation between Russia and Ukraïne.

"Impact: Prophesy And Change The World"
Prophecy is meant for more. Prophecy transforms people’s lives, but it is meant for more. God is ready to transform every segment of society, and He reveals strategies to accomplish it. Arleen Westerhof shows us how to work with prophetic revelation. She describes how to give prophetic words, test prophecies, and how apostles and prophets can work together to accomplish breakthrough. She shows that character development, inner healing and deliverance are essential for anyone building a prophetic ministry.
About Dr. Arleen Westerhof
Arleen Westerhof is, together with her husband Dick Westerhof, the Lead Pastor of the God’s Embassy Church in Amsterdam. Dick and Arleen planted the church in 2005 and since then, it has become a cutting-edge Apostolic Center with an anointing for Reformation and Transformation.

Online articles

War and the Shout of Victory in 2024 | Dr. Arleen Westerhof